Friday, November 26, 2010

reog culture ponorogo

indonesia has a diverse arts and culture that spread across the country, where each region has a distinctive traditional culture and art, for example Reog Roxburgh of Roxburgh district. In public life, used as a binder Reog Ponorogo social intercourse, bridal procession in the event of marriage, tourism assets and the means of criticism for the ruling.
LEGEND Reog Ponorogo
According to legend Reog or Barongan originated from the story of Ki Ageng Demat Flea Suryonggalan who want to satirize the King of Majapahit, Brawijaya V. King The King at that time often did not meet its obligations because it is too influenced and controlled by the empress. Therefore made of leather Barongan kingpin tiger (Java Tiger) who rides the peacock.
The King is represented as a peacock while riding the tiger symbolizes the empress. In addition, for insinuation is safe, Ki Ageng protect it with trained troops, reinforced by the powerful ranks of the warok mandraguna. In the reign of the Duke of Roxburgh Batorokatong who ruled about 500 years ago, reog began to develop into folk art. Duke companion named Ki Ageng Mirah use reog to expand his power.
Through the beauty and uniqueness "dhadhak peacock" and gamelan, this art can collect enough mass. Reog is one evidence of local culture in Indonesia is still very strong with things of a mystical and powerful mysticism. Reog, often identified with the black world, thug or hero. Liquor and also constraints. There is also force loose supra natural.
Instruments retinue, kempul, tap, kenong, handheld, ketipung, angklung and especially salompret, voice tone that gave rise pelog slendro and mystical atmosphere, strange, exotic as well as excite. Many things that seem mystical art behind Reog Ponorogo. Warok for example, is the central figure in this art, which until now save a lot of things are quite controversial. Not a few people who consider warok profile has led to less good image of this art.
Warok is a force that relies on the truth in the battle between good and evil in the story reog art. Warok Old, is the guidance as leaders, while Warok warok Young is still in early stages of their studies. Nevertheless, life warok very contrary to the role they play on stage. It is said that warok until recently perceived as a figure who cast must have certain supernatural powers.
To be warok, travel a long, long, full of twists and a million teased. To get there, must master what is called Reh Kamusankan Truthfulness is the way of true humanity. Warok Old, until now still have a place as an elder in the community. Proximity to the spiritual world often make a warok asked his advice on the grip or the tranquility of the spiritual life. Advice that cited an old warok actually had often heard but the words that came out of his mouth as if powered.
Formerly known for its many gemblak warok, namely male teens who are sometimes more cherished than his wife and son. Maintaining gemblak is a tradition that has been deeply rooted in the community of artists reog. Seems to be the duty of every warok to maintain gemblak order to maintain its miracle. Moreover, there are strong beliefs among warok, intimate relationship with a woman even with his own wife, can trigger the dilution of all supernatural powers. Mutual love, cherish and try to please is the hallmark of special relaksi between gemblak and waroknya.
So far worse perception of warok, admitted starting removed. Efforts to restore the image of this art is done slowly. Profile warok currently directed towards eg start a positive leadership values and become a role model of society. Included also maintain that there are more and faded gemblak. Gemblak usual role as a dancer Jatilan, its role is now being replaced by young women. Yet this art-was first performed without a woman.
Besides warok, role-bearers darak pembarong or peacock, in the arts Reog Ponorogo, not be overlooked. Moreover, this art real attraction relies on physical strength and acrobatic. A pembarong, should have extra strength. He must have a good jaw strength, to withstand the bite load that is a form of peacock darak tiger's head adorned with hundreds of strands of peacock feathers that weigh two meters can reach 40 pounds during the show.
Once again the power of magic is often used pembarong to add this extra power. Such as, by way of using the implant, the neck pembarong. To become pembarong not enough by a strong body. A pembarong also must be equipped with something called the pembarong with revelation. Revelation is believed to be the pembarong as something very important in their lives. If not blessed revelation, which exhibited a pembarong dance would look bad and not fit to watch.
Several years ago the Foundation initiated the founding of Reog Ponorogo Reog Society archipelago, whose members consist of reog groups from various regions in Indonesia who had taken part in the National Reog Festival. Until now Reog ponorogo be very open to enrichment and changes in range of motion.

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