Sunday, October 16, 2011


Founder and Administrator HOUSE BEAUTIFUL FABRIC Below: Linda Agum Gumelar, Ike Nirwan Bakri, Darwina Pontjo Sutowo, Sri Redjeki Sulisto. Above: Herlinda Halim, Yuni B. Adam, Seminarti Gobel, Rahmi A.P. Tahir, Ade Krisnaraga Syarfuan

House Charm Fabrics Association is gathering the fabric collectors and lovers of Indonesia which was established in September 2005, in which through its activities in the form of trying to implement conservation initiatives, increased appreciation, attention and concern over Indonesia fabrics including traditional fabric which is famous so awesome both from the historical background and cultural values.

The presence of Enchantment Fabrics Association House is expected to be one means for the Indonesian people to know and look more closely at the uniqueness and beauty of traditional fabrics from various regions in Indonesia. During its development, along with advances in technology we should still maintain cultural values, although the function of the use of fabric has evolved through time and space, as well as increasing people's appreciation of traditional Indonesian fabric.

House Charm Fabrics Association seeks to preserve the traditional fabric of Indonesia with building craftsmen from almost all regions in Indonesia that SMEs scale to further develop esuai with the needs of the present, with hope when we socialize and wear traditional cloths Indonesia will result in the activities of the artisans in memprodksi fabric increases, which in turn will provide added value economically in each region.

V I S I:

House Charm Fabrics Association has a vision to build broad awareness of society to understand, interested, loving and preserving the traditional fabric of Indonesia, and to encourage the craftsmen of traditional fabric of Indonesia to enhance creativity and innovation on the traditional fabric of Indonesia to retain the essential character of each region .
M I S I:

Association House of Charm Fabrics mission:
* Establishes Domestic Fabrics Charm as a special place for lovers and crafters of traditional fabric of     Indonesia to take part in the effort to understand, interested, to love and preserve traditional Indonesian fabrics including traditional Indonesian fabric
 * Fostering the craftsmen of traditional fabric of Indonesia through the efforts of improving the skills and marketing, promoting production of traditional cloth fabric crafters Indonesia in the domestic market and abroad through exhibitions and exhibitions
 * Develop and produce replicas of ancient fabrics in order to remain a nation's cultural heritage Indonesia
 * Increase the appreciation and love for the community and the younger generation of Indonesian traditional fabrics through demonstration activities, interiors and crafts, exhibitions, exhibition, lectures, seminars, symposiums, training, books and serial fabrics archipelago documentary filmmaking
 * Establish cooperation with institutions, government agencies and non-government both domestically and abroad, to jointly promote and enhance the reputation of traditional Indonesian fabric both domestically and in the eyes of the international community through the promotion & marketing of sustainable and continuous.
 * Through government agencies urge and urge people to use traditional Indonesian fabrics in each province  in  accordance with the character and local cultural products

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