Saturday, October 22, 2011

Typical Yogyakarta Arts - Art of Java

1 .dance Jathilan

Jathilan is the art of dance drama with scenes of battle fellow horsemen with swords weapons, which gives priority to the theme of dance battle gallant soldier on the battlefield on horseback and armed with swords. However, the more people know him as a dance that is identical to that contained elements of magical dance and trance.

2 . Grebeg Maulud Ceremony

Typical Yogyakarta Arts - Art JawaGrebeg Maulud is the top event of the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad held on 12 Maulud, after the day after the gamelan Kyai and Kyai Dragon wilogo Gunturmadu brought into the Palace, by the community event called "Bendhol Songsong".

The highlight of this was brought to the accompaniment of the mountains that the Great Mosque. After the mosque held a ceremony of prayer and offerings to God Almighty, some mountains were distributed to the public by way contested. Part of the mound was planted on the farm, so that the plant be fertile, and avoid the various destructive plant pests.

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