Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sultan's Palace

Sultan's Palace which was built by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I in the year 1756 is the most famous cultural tourist destination and most exciting in the city of Yogyakarta. Sultan's Palace is the royal relics of the past that until now still survive as a cultural center of Java, where the customs, arts and kinship system stubbornly persists.

There are many historic train Kraton all of which have high artistic value, as well as various kinds of clothing once worn by palace courtiers, soldiers and the royal family, the making of batik, dance and music venues and many more cultural relics inside.

Kraton building located just a straight line with Malioboro street, even the buildings are visible from a distance. The uniqueness of the building located Kraton is a straight line with the South Sea, Monument and Mount Merapi Yogyakarta.

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